Hmm here’s a thought… I don’t need to be in a deep sleep to dream. When you look at the sky and then closer you eyes, it’s dark but not completely. You see lines and patterns. Off you stare at then they start to move.
This morning I went to the bathroom. I have cauliflower flower ear. Maybe a 10 minute laydown on the other side is what’s needed. I went back to bed. Song in my head. It’s after 8 so it’s getting time to get out of bed.
I lay down, close my eyes, there’s those spots. Pretty soon I’m sitting on a bench, or is it some grandpa. Mom Dad and a child are crossing the street. Child hugs grandpa. I wake up. 5 minutes have passed. Song is still in my head. Still have cauliflower ear.
Hmm everything was in b&w except the child.. in color. Maybe as I get deeper into sleep that’s when the color starts.
I wonder if I can evoke a dream on demand?
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I'm sitting on a bench, or is it some grandpa. Mom Dad and a child are crossing the street. Child hugs grandpa.